How to make CAMPUS girls go CRAZY over you!

How to make University Girls go CRAZY over you In A Month

How to make CAMPUS girls go CRAZY over you!
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Girls go for guys who have status and are "cool" at Campus. Lets not worry about WHY lets just accept the fact that thats the way it is.

There will be no style tips in this post, you know whats cool so wear it if you want to make your job easier. But if you feel strongly about your clothes, then wear what you want.

Have as many friends as possible

Try to be friends with as many people as possible, personally, i am in the sporty group but often talk to guys in the other groups. If you know everyone and are friends with them then you get invited to all the partys that are going down. Be friendly to the ugly girls too, it gives you confidence in talking to girls and they usually have hot friends (trust me, i know ;) ). If your friendly to people that get picked on then you can make their day just by being nice.

Around your Peers

When your around your friends(you should have alot of them by now), have a good time, talk about what you guys are going to do on the weekend. Guys(not as much as girls) are insecure too, use this insecurity to make them your friends, compliment them every now and then. It will make them feel great! If they give you some **** and people laugh, then dont worry about it just laugh it off but make sure you get them back later ;) or else they might make a habit of it. Talk about sports, pu**y, parties, funny stories, etc. Talk about GOOD TIMES!!! Have alot of fun. When in a group of guys make sure your the center of the conversation.

Around the ladies

when your around the ladies do all your regular humorous stuff , make sure you dont give them to much time, say hi and talk to them for awhile, tease them, make them laugh, then cut it off when its hot and go talk to another girl.

In a group of girls and guys

These are the times you have to take advantage of, make yourself the center of the conversation and make everyone listen to you. Tell a funny story, make everyone laugh. This is the best way to gain status, in a group. Make sure everyone see's you as being funny and popular, and they will start treating you like gold. This is where it all comes from, i cant stress it enough.

A few other tips

  • Do something that will get you known, like a sport. I play soccer, im not the best but im good. Practise the sport so you can stand out.
  • Develop a sense of humour, this will help you more then anything else in gaining status. Tell jokes, improve your wit. There are a few posts on humour so go look them up
  • Get good at conversations, and being the center of conversations for that matter. This will help you ALOT.
  • Always be the one that says whats happening on the weekend, this makes you look more alpha.
  •  Hug the girls that feel comfortable with you doing so.
  • Start going to the gym, and improving your looks.

Do the things ive said here and i promise you that the Campus experience will be a good one for you.

Credits to: Sammo

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