How to date in 2013? What questions are being asked? Keep it real because your life depends on it!

With the pressures of “engagement season” upon us in the months of December and January, it is hard being a single woman with announcements and bridal store check-ins on facebook being thrown ...

How to date  in 2013? What questions are being asked?  Keep it real because your life depends on it!
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With the pressures of “engagement season” upon us in the months of December and January, it is hard being a single woman with announcements and bridal store check-ins on facebook being thrown in your face! I mean for Pete’s sake even Kim Kardashian managed to get herself pregnant by Kanye West and Honey Boo Boo’s child’s mom has a boyfriend!  Yes, its REAL out there and times have drastically changed!  I am happily single and have my share of dating horror stories!  Most recently ….I had to put a dude in check because he thought it was a “hit it and split it” situation.  1. I definitely ain’t that type of chic 2.  If you are even worthy of my time, you would be smart enough to know that it is more about communicating and establishing a real relationship than just “getting it in” 3.  Chances are you will eventually end up being my Plan “C” if you think that this is the situation you are about to get in with me and I am known to only have a Plan A or B … see?

 Black Couple

Dating is definitely a gamble in 2013….so many things to worry about….status (both health and relationship), money (yes I said it…you can’t be broke and date—that’s like oil & water), preference (honestly times are changing and a little variety in life ain’t that bad!? Yes or no?).  I have definitely entered the dating world with a more open mind and cautious spirit.  A couple of fears I do have is falling into the typical serial dater meaning either dating to get a free meal and get to go places you wouldn’t normally go (because there are trifling dingbats who can get away with that due to their “looks” and literally depend a different dude each day of the week to fulfill their dinner schedule…LOL) or I could be the COMPLETE opposite and be extremely too picky and end up alone A LOT of the time.  I believe I am in between—mainly because—I have NO TIME.  Between three jobs, full time school schedule, hosting and side gigs, I am lucky I know what a “date” is!!

Being that it is 2013, I would like to take a fresher approach, one with less rules, but reasonable expectations.  No 30-day rules, but I do intend to make my intentions be known and that I am about having a good time and honest fun which doesn’t mean sex and other unnecessary deviant behavior.  Life is funny and shouldn’t be hard, so I am going to be about this dating life and just take it one day at a time.  On an even more positive note, I would like to congratulate all of the newly engaged and married couples because honestly….you are motivation for us single women and men looking to see how its done.  Time to put in that work ….who’s ready for me?  Next date is Wednesday night!  Wish me luck…he’s pretty awesome too!

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