I Was Never Pregnant with Daddy Andre's Kid - Nina Roz

In a new interview, she made it clear that she has never been pregnant with Daddy Andre's baby. 

I Was Never Pregnant with Daddy Andre's Kid - Nina Roz
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Musician Nina Roz separated from her lover, Daddy Andre, a few months ago. 

Within that short period when they were a couple, reports circulated on social media that she had been ballooned.

In a new interview, she made it clear that she has never been pregnant with Daddy Andre's baby. 

The public just assumed because she had piled on extra weight.

"I don't mind about the breakup because nothing was left between us. The relationship ended and we are both okay.  I have never been pregnant, people always assumed because of my weight gain," she disclosed.

It should be noted that after their romance ended abruptly, there were counter-accusations of disrespect and cheating. 

Nina Roz later confessed that she was struggling with depression.

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