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Added: Nov 21, 2019

City Drumboy also known as Mufasa Clementino Lyon is a Ugandan Young Sound
Engineer & Music Producer, Actor & Choreographer, Performing Artist & a
Businessman. Born on December 1996 in Kyadondo Wakiso, City grew up loving
music and sounds and had joined Sunday school as young as eight.

At the age of 12, having taught himself how to play a piano, he went on playing
keys for his networks at school and for his family whenever there was a family

In 2014, he decided to fully follow his passion by venturing into commercial music
production. He viciously went on learning how to use the Digital Audio
Workstation [DAW] and acquainted himself with the hardware in production. In
2015-2017, he had managed to interact, share music production knowledge and
work with some of the prominent local Ugandan producers like Daddy Andre,
Washington, Renix Pattern, Nessim Pan Production, Eli Arkhis Music, Artin Pro,
Wani Production, Kussein Knots, Eno Beatz, Herbert Skills, Producerr Ronnie, The
Late Danz Kumapeesa, Sir Dan Magic, T.O.N, Brian Beats and many more.

City Drumboy maintains his music studios (Young Generation Africa) in Bukoto a
suburb in northern Kampala, the capital city of Uganda where he bases and has
collaborated with very many artists both upcoming and established musicians.

While talking to him, City said his inspiration while doing production comes from
everyday life experience and to a small extent, active imagination and his belief
that says, ‘Persistence plus consistence wears out resistance’.

To connect with friends and clients, City maintains active social media profiles on
various platforms but mainly on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter where
he uses the name City Drumboy.

City Drumboy Quotes
 Persistence plus Consistence wears out Resistance. God above all I will
reach the infinity
 Your Passion is your Profession.
 Make a plan, Stick to the plan, Always deliver.
 Walk the Talk
 Believe, Begin and Become.
 Keep Moving Forward
 God make me an advert and answer to many.

© Young Generation Records.
Location: Bukoto_Kisasi Rd OPP Cabira Country Club.
Email: [email protected] or Call +256700808173 for Bookings.
